In the midst of a global pandemic and world wide call for racial justice in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in our own state it seems like our attentions have been redirected in all kinds of directions.
Yet, in the midst of all of this, the work of finding River of Hope’s next settled Pastor continues!
The River Table has appointed the following people as the call committee:
Nan Crary (Chair)
Louis Bedard
Kris Dobratz
Scott Gross-Sands
Leah Pollmann
Jim Shafer
Katie Weisenburger
As chair, Nan has been in contact with Rev. Stephen Cook from the Synod office. They are scheduled to meet via zoom to get advice and direction from Pastor Cook on this very important process.
Additionally, the committee will begin their work together getting grounded in the God’s direction for River of Hope, studying the Ministry Site Profile that the transition team created as well as reading A Bigger Table: Building Messy, Authentic, and Hopeful Spiritual Community by John Pavlovitz.We are grateful for the Call Committee’s important work!
As a congregation we commit to praying for their work together and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as the just the right person is sent to lead this amazing place called River of Hope!