Youth and Family

We practice intergenerational worship with intentional teaching and learning for all age groups. We believe that children of all ages can lead worship and learn stories from the Bible and language for God by being participants in worship. Second, we have Headwaters, which is a faith formation event with crafts, games, music, stories and fun for 6th grade down to toddlers on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays. It’s followed by a free meal and a 30-minute worship before 7th-9th graders break into small groups for confirmation.
The most important place for a child’s faith to grow? The home. But don’t worry – you are not alone! We are committed to giving you tools of faith to bring home and practice together.
A classroom simply cannot replace a life of faith that’s shaped and nurtured in the home. We’ll walk with you in this. Pastor Hans is always available for conversation. Seriously.

Is there a youth group?

Yes. There are some pretty great adults in the congregation who love kids.
Throughout the year, youth participate in camping ministries, service projects, and fellowship events.

What is confirmation like?

Confirmation is for youth in grades 7, 8 and 9 culminating in a fall of 10th grade confirmation celebration. Of course, any adult at any time can confirm their faith (reaffirmation of baptism) since faith is a life long journey. Confirmation is about relationship: Twice a month, confirmation kids and their adult mentors all meet together, are taught by Pastor Hans, and have small
group or one-on-one time together to apply scripture to daily life. Confirmation is about worship and spiritual growth: Confirmation youth and their families are encouraged to attend worship at least once a month. Confirmation students are also strongly encouraged to participate in youth group activities, including summer camps.

Camp of the Cross 2023

2023 Chicago Mission Trip



Meet our Children’s Ministry Fearless Leader

Katie Weisenberger