In worship this past Sunday, I asked you to give financially to River of Hope. To pay for our three staff positions and to further God’s mission in the world. Or, in other words, to help us reach out into the community in the name of Jesus Christ.
It’s the new year and we’ve got a big future in front of us as River of Hope. Sunday’s Bible reading saw gallons and gallons of hand-washing water turned into gallons and gallons of wine. Nobody expected it. Yet, there it was. Lavish. A little showy, if you ask me.
What do you offer to the ministry that is flowing out of River of Hope in the name of Jesus Christ? I need you to prayerfully consider giving consistently to this ministry – even when you’re not in worship – so that we can plan for the future.
Watch this video to get the details.
Click on this link to read all about it.
Click on this link to give on-line. You can even schedule weekly/monthly withdrawal from your bank account right to River of Hope.
Did you know 23 families from River of Hope are signed up to give automatically each month? This consistency is incredibly important. Help us increase that number.
Help us not only grow and “pay our bills” but thrive and dream into the future of River of Hope. (Hear more about the stories of our future at our First Ever Riverpalooza, Sunday, February 23. 10:30 celebratory worship welcoming the newest among us followed by a potluck and stories and plans for the future.)