We’re a church that takes being church as opposed to going to church seriously. YOU showed up, River of Hope. Thank you.
Being church is not about us – it’s about reaching out in love with no guarantees of being loved back. It’s risky and way more challenging than showing up for worship once a month and trying to get in and get out unscathed.
It’s tiring and frustrating. It’s inconvenient. It’s scary.
And it’s about the best thing we’re called to do. To show up out in the community in the name of Jesus Christ. In the form of something as silly as root beer floats. So thank you for being part of the community in a significant way. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ in the world.
Here’s a post I wrote for Facebook land and I share it with you here, along with some photos.
I’m still recovering from the McLeod County Fair, like in the best way possible. I am thankful for countless, even nameless, people. Some do have names, like Keri Thoreson (Buddy George), Brian Tillmann, Terry Gustafson Kempfert and Warren Kempfert, Sara Hageman Pollmann Ronald Susan Johnson, Andrea Kay Koenig all who had a hand in planning, wrangling, schlepping, creating, manning and womanning the booth. For all who made time to represent RoH at the booth. For the generosity and vision of Roger R Stearns. And for the community partners who helped us serve somewhere around 2000 hope floats. Our home grown restaurants: ZELLAS, Main Street Sports Bar, McCormicks Family Restaurant, along with the local managers and employees of Culver’s, Burger King, and Hardee’s. It was one small way to show Hutchinson we love this community. And it takes a community to do it. We go out…