May 31st, 2020 Gift of the Spirit

Family Sunday School 


Acts 2:1-4, 1 Corinthians 12:1-13 

This week we will hear the of the coming of the Holy Spirit. The disciples were gathered in an upper room and were afraid – and then God showed up!

Sunday School Story

Family Activity Page

The Holy Spirit Coloring Page


Pentecost is the day when the Holy Spirit comes from heaven like a rushing wind. It’s full of symbolism… flame, wind, water, the dove. It’s a rich time to do fun crafts or activities as a family to celebrate this important day in the Christian year. The color of Pentecost is RED.

Here are 10 activities for you and your family!

  1. Make a connection between wind and spirit by making a windsock or fly a kite.
  2. The dove is often used as the symbol of the Holy Spirit. Here are two ideas for making a dove:
  1. River of Hope has often used ribbon streamers to celebrate Pentecost, but they are fun for anytime. With red, yellow and orange ribbons they represent the flames that appeared in the story of Pentecost. Here is an easy to follow “how to”.
  2. ribbon mobile like this could look really cool in your house or child’s room. Perhaps each ribbon tied on could represent a prayer or a person for whom you are praying.
  3. One of the significant parts of the Pentecost story is that people who spoke different languages were able to understand one another. Take that idea and learn something in a different language together as a family. Here’s a resource that has “I love you” in 100 different languages. How many could your family learn?
  4. I love this idea of making flames with paint, a plate, and a salad spinner. Crazy fun! (But who has a salad spinner anymore?!) Might need to find one just for this activity.
  5. This camping lantern looks very fun (and useful for camping after Pentecost is over!)
  6. Here’s a wonderful collection of Pentecost prayers.Pick one that resonates with your family and pray it at the dinner table.
  7. Sky Lanterns are amazing! They would be perfect to launch on pentecost…
  8. Make red velvet cupcakes. This recipe looks great!


Bible Book Marks

Print up the Bible Book Marks for yourself – and make extras to share. Consider finding a book to give away with the book mark inside!

Bible Verse Book Mark (Blank) 

Bible Verse Book Mark (Colored)

Planting Seeds

This week the Bible story is about Jesus conquering death. A seed “looks” dead – we know it’s not, but it sure looks like something dead. Planting it, watering it and seeing life come from the dry seed can teach us all about life coming from death!

As you plant seeds, think about who you can bless with the flowers that bloom or the vegetables that grow.

Review past week activities

Find one or two that you haven’t done from a past week.


WE GO OUT family activities from past weeks:

Spring Flowers

  • Make tissue paper flowers and attach a message of love to the “stem”. (Something like, “Jesus Loves You” or, “You are a loved child of God”)
  • Leave the flowers in places where people might find it – you might want to write another note that says … “If you see me, take me home to brighten your day!”

Prayer Chalk “Go Out” Activity

From the Lesson on Sunday, May 3 Paul prayed “I always give thanks to God for you because…”

Surprise someone by writing a prayer of thanksgiving about them with chalk on their sidewalk or driveway using the phrase from Sunday’s story, making sure to complete the sentence with something about them.

Spring Clean up

  • Choose one of your family’s favorite outdoor spots.
  • Bring trash bags and gloves and pick up whatever trash you find in that area
  • Before you leave, make a chalk drawing or chalk prayer for the next visitors to know that God loves them just as they are!


Living out Matthew 25

    • In Matthew 25 Jesus tells us that when we help other people who are hungry or lonely or cold or hurting in any way, we are helping Jesus!
    • This week we are helping people who are unable to get their own groceries by picking them up for them through the Hutchinson food shelf. Go to and follow the instructions for proxy pick-up intake.