The season of Lent, that time we walk right toward the cross, awaiting the awfulness of wrongful condemnation and death, is around the corner. It’s good to be together in this, don’t you think?
Ash Wednesday, when we are reminded just where we come from, is March 5. We will worship with the Methodists and the UCC folks. 7pm at the UCC church.
6-week Book Study: “Pastrix: The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner and Saint” by Nadia Bolz-Weber. Tuesdays at Zella’s (7pm). March 4, 11, 18. Thursday, March 27, April 8 and 15. The perfect book study to invite a religiously nervous, God-shy friend. If you are easily offended, this ain’t yer book. An honest look at the intersection of life and faith, death and resurrection. Want to participate? Email Pastor Laura: [email protected] and tell her. Then click here to pay for a book ($20). Pastor Laura will have them available to you the first night.
Wednesdays in Lent You are invited to worship with the Methodists throughout Lent and to enjoy soup supper together. While River of Hope has participated in the past, we are not going to this year. However, you are invited to attend: eat soup and worship. (Soup suppers begin at 6pm, worship at 6:30: March 12, at Bethlehem; March 19 at Vineyard; March 26 at Bethlehem; April 2 at Vineyard; April 9 at Bethlehem.)