This is not your typical day.
We are – all of us – in the midst of a world wide pandemic. The last was 1968-69. Some of you might remember it – most of us don’t.
While it is true that for the vast majority of us, this new virus will render us ill for a moment and we will recover. That is not true for all of us. For those who are elderly or have underlying health conditions, this new virus will mean a far more serious result.
We have all seen the advice from the CDC and other public health officials to limit our contact in public and practice “social distancing”. The goal of social distancing is to minimize the spread of the virus to protect those who are most vulnerable, and – hopefully – minimize the number of people who will require hospitalization.
In consultation with Dr. Brian Pollmann, members of the River Table and I have made the decision to cancel worship at the Event Center for the remainder of March.
This doesn’t mean, however, that worship is cancelled! We will do what River of Hope does… get creative!
* Join the Watch Party on Sunday Mornings on Facebook at 10:30 am. We will pray – interact in real time – hear the Story and a sermon. For those of us who love the music, there will be links to worship videos.
* Continue to support River of Hope through your financial offerings. While we might not be meeting at the Event Center, the bills will continue to accumulate! + If you are not signed up for SimplyGiving ** click here ( and follow the prompts.
+ If you prefer to write a check, feel free to stop by the office, Mondays – Thursdays; 9 am – 12 noon. or drop it in the mail. Our mailing address is listed below.
* Continue to read Love Without Limits – I’m working on ways to continue our conversations while keeping others healthy.
* Other ways to stay connected:
+ PRAY! If you would like a prayer partner from River of Hope – please send me an email. I will connect you with the name of someone else from River of Hope!
+ CALL! Be sure to check in with each other – give a phone call or text message to say “Hi” and that you’re thinking of them.
+ REACH OUT! I know, we’re Minnesotans, we don’t do that well. That said, PLEASE connect with me if you would like to speak directly or have any concerns!
+ DON’T PANIC! There are really smart people – with really big hearts doing a lot of work to bring all of us through this time.
It is at times like these when the love of God truly brings peace in the midst of the storm. May we all share that love (from a safe distance) with everyone we meet – no exceptions
In Christ, Pastor Janine