Erin’s Kids

Have you been hearing about “Erin’s Kids” lately?

Erin’s Kids is a fund set up at River of Hope in memory of Erin Olson, by her parents Shirley and DuWayne Olson.  Erin was a vivacious young lady who had a passion for life, a radiant smile, unending energy, and a love of kids. She loved to camp and always went out of her way to make sure everyone was included. To leave anyone out was unacceptable to Erin. Therefore, the funds raised for Erin’s Kids will be used to ensure that all youth who express interest in going to camp at River of Hope will have the means of going. All kids are Erin’s Kids!

Fundraising for Erin’s Kids will be ongoing! You can expect to see more fundraisers throughout the year, hear more about “Erin’s Kids” and learn more about Erin as we honor her memory.

Please help us grow this fund, support our youth, and provide life changing experiences through Him.

Here are some ways to help with Erin’s Kids:

  1. Donate online, selecting “Erin’s Kids”
  2. Drop a check in the weekly offering or send it to the office with the Memo: Erin’s Kids
  3. Share about Erin’s Kids on social media and help us spread the word. #ErinsKids
  4. Talk to your kids, grand kids, and their friends about going to camp. Let’s get them excited!
  5. Tell someone about Erin! Her parents tell us that she would LOVE what’s is being done in her honor.
  6.  Share your own memories of going to camp on social media, using the hashtag #ErinsKids
  7. Watch for upcoming fundraising events and dive in!
  8. Volunteer to chaperone an upcoming trip.

Thank you!

A Real, Live Faith

Sermon from August 7, 2016

Listen to it here or read the text below.

Narrator: After the Lord had spoken these words to Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite: [Read more…]

Discipleship Groups

Are you signed up for a discipleship group?

This fall, River of Hope is diving into small groups.  Being a disciple means being a learner (the root of disciple means “to learn”) – so these small groups are formed around that notion of learning together.  You’ll gather around the book “We Make the Road by Walking” by Brian McLaren which invites you into scripture.  It’s one way to practice being a Christian – connecting with our story together.  Come, walk together into scripture.

Please use the form below to sign-up for ONE of these groups.

2nd Wednesday/month 6pm – Group leader – Sara Nelson  (5 spots left)

2nd Wednesday/month 6pm – Group leader – Jim Nelson — FULL

2nd Wednesday/month 6pm – Group leader – Ruth Hamlow  (1 spot left)

2nd Wednesday/month 6pm – Group leader – Jenny Tillmann — FULL

2nd Sunday/month 9am – Group leader – Chanda Kropp — FULL

3rd Sunday/month 9am-Group leader-Beth Gasser — FULL

2nd and 4th Tuesdays/month 9am – Group Leader – Sara Pollmann (8 spots left)

1st Tuesday/month at 7pm – Group Leader – Ron Johnson (1 spot left)

2nd Tuesday/month at 7pm – Group Leader – Keri Thoreson (3 spots left)

Discipleship Group

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Wild Wednesday July 23rd

All are welcome to come to Rotary Park on Wednesday, July 23rd starting at 6:30pm for Wild Wednesday. This is an event for anyone in the community, hosted by River of Hope. Enjoy root beer floats, games, a craft and bubbles. See you there!

Christmas Eve Activities and Service

YOU are invited!

Together, we’ll celebrate the birth of Jesus.

4:30pm Enjoy hot chocolate, cider, coffee and treats in the lobby as kids are encouraged to make a craft to be used in worship.

5:30pm Interactive, kid and adult-friendly worship. Celebratory and hopeful, too. Shepherds, angels, stars, sheep, and ringing bells will all help to tell the story of the best. news. ever.

Christmas Eve, Tuesday, December 24

4:30pm activities begin 5:30pm worship

Hutchinson Event Center (1005 Hwy 15 S.)

River Condition Report

Abraham went and took the ram and offered it up as a burnt offering instead of his son. So Abraham called that place ‘The Lord will provide’; as it is said to this day, ‘On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided.’” Genesis 22:13b-14

Let me tell you the stuff around this portion of the scripture we read together today. Abraham is called by God to take his son up onto the mountain and to offer him as a sacrifice. We get no report of a sleepless night, or wrestling with God, or a well argued defense of the awfulness of this test. Instead, after this command from God, scripture simply says, So Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac; he cut the wood for the burnt offering, and set out and went to the place in the distance that God had shown him.” [Read more…]

Coloring Outside the Lines: Ephesians 2: 1-22

scribbles-series-1-1076830-mI still remember being tattled on in kindergarten. We were busy coloring and I could see my picture clearly needed blue sky and was busy doing that when one of my table mates tapped my picture, declaring, “she’s coloring outside of the lines!” I was told to abandon my sky and to finish the picture. I didn’t put up a fuss – I wish I could finish this story by telling you I threw a fit and got into more trouble, but I didn’t.

In last week’s letter to the Ephesians, we read and heard that God had a plan long before we were around and that we were and are part of it. This week we jump to the 2nd chapter and hear and read that God’s plans were necessary because we’re so good at running away from God and pushing other people away in the name of God. We’re good at creating great divides, huge chasms, uncrossable terrain. So God’s plan was to send Jesus to demolish lines we draw, walls we construct, divisions we imagine, create, or highlight. God sent Jesus so that we’d see Jesus not only in our own actions but in those of people we meet, even strangers. Especially strangers. [Read more…]

Unearthed and Expectant

Matthew 25:14-30

I don’t know about you, but throughout the end of the summer and into the fall, I drove around Hutchinson with my eyes peeled. Looking in a few abandoned lots, a round about, a roadside ditch, the field out in front of my house. This past summer many of us left the worship service down by the river in July with seed bombs in our pockets.

What’s a seed bomb? Well, it was clay that surrounded some native seeds and dirt and then was rolled in dirt. The instructions were to launch them – after all, they’re called seed bombs and it’s the only kind of bomb I’ll ever tell you throw. And so I don’t know about you, but it changed the way I looked at Hutchinson. I looked for new spots, places I’d not seen before. Abandoned places, neglected, open spaces, unexpected places. And then, if the timing was right, and I wasn’t going to cause an accident, I’d roll down my window and send a seed bomb into the unknown. Sometimes I’d pull over and stop but most often, I’d let one fly while I was still driving. A few didn’t land where I’d intended and I fought the urge to pull over and run back to correct it. I’d see it bounce in the road and then, you know, land there, stay there. And I thought, well, who knows what could happen? [Read more…]