July 2020 Update

The call committee is meeting on a weekly basis via Zoom. We are halfway through reading and discussing “A Bigger Table” by John Pavlovitz that will hopefully inform the next steps in our process. Here’s a summary of what comes next:

1. Develop an interview strategy and formulate interview questions.
2. Conduct a practice interview with a pastor serving another congregation.
3. Conduct a first interview with candidate(s) provided by the synod.
4. Conduct a second interview with candidate(s) provided by the synod.
5. Check references and conduct legally required background checks through the synod.
6. Select a candidate of choice (the finalist).
7. Agree to a compensation package with the candidate of choice.
8. Give two weeks’ notice for a congregational vote.
9. Conduct a congregational vote.
10. Extend a call.
11. Receive the pastor’s acceptance of the call.

If you’d like more information, visit https://swmnelca.org/call-process/ . For any questions, contact Nan Crary at [email protected] or 320-583-3083. We are grateful for your support and prayers.

Nan Crary, chair
Louis Bedard — Kris Dobratz –- Scott Gross-Sand – Leah Pollmann – Jim Schaefer – Katie Weisenberger