Tuesday, May 5, 2020
We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
It is widely believed that this is the 1st letter that Paul wrote to the early church communities in the area around the Mediterranean Sea.
The letter to the people in Thessalonica (located in modern day Turkey) begins with Paul and Silas giving thanks to this young Christian community. These were Greeks, non-Jews who had been sitting on the sidelines of the Jewish community, hearing about their God who freed them from slavery and who answered the prayers of barren women. They listened to the stories of this God who called people by name – and they wanted to be a part of a community that worshiped a God like that. But the Jewish community would not let them in – and then came Paul and Silas, teaching that God had sent the Messiah – the One suffered, died and rose again so that they too might be brought into relationship with this same God. They were all in – followers of Jesus, giving radical hospitality to Paul and Silas in those early days.
Paul opens this letter with a heartfelt, sincere prayer of gratitude. Grateful for the Thessalonians faith, steadfastness and love.
So, here’s my question.
Who are you thankful for? Do they know? Have you told them? If there is one thing we’re learning in this time it is that we don’t know when we will get the opportunity to jump in a car and visit someone. We don’t know if we are going to be able to be with them if they get sick. We don’t know – a lot of things! But, what we do know is that there are people in our lives for whom we give thanks. Let’s be sure to tell them!
Let’s pray:
Gracious God, we are grateful for all the people you have placed in our lives. Give us the time, the words and the means to let them know how grateful we are! Amen.